May the Fourth be with you as we embark on our next week of eLearning. Whether working from home or researching in the lab, reserve a few minutes each day to immerse yourself in science with content we’ve curated just for you.
If you’re looking for more eLearning content this week, join us at the LSE Virtual Event focusing on Immunology, Infectious Disease, and COVID-19 on May 7-8. Connect with us at our virtual booth.

WATCH: Anti-Viral Pathways (Approx. 10 minutes)
Interested in how the immune system responds to viral pathogens? Watch our newest video to learn more about critical mediators involved in the innate immune response to viruses, including pathogen recognition receptors, anti-viral pathways, and interferon stimulated genes.

READ: Are Viruses Alive?
(Approx. 5 minutes)
Check out our blog to learn more about a different type of virus. Mimiviruses are giant viruses that contain their own CRISPR-like immune system and add to the debate of whether or not viruses are alive.

WATCH: COVID-19 and Olfactory Dysfunction (Approx. 5 minutes)
The CDC has recently labeled anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell, as one of the symptoms of COVID-19. Learn about olfactory cells, the markers used to track them, and potential mechanisms for how SARS-CoV-2 may be affecting olfaction in our latest video.

READ: Three Key Stages in the Coronavirus Life Cycle - and Efforts to Combat the Virus
(Approx. 5 minutes)
This week’s COVID-19 blog will describe the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle including virus entry, replicase assembly, and genome replication. Read the blog to learn more about these key steps and recent research aimed at stopping the virus life cycle.

ENGAGE: Win One of Our Puzzles
End your week by participating in one of our contests on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for a 500 or 1000 piece puzzle. Contests end Tuesday. Click on the social media icons below to make the social distancing experience a little easier..

BioLegend Tools Support SARS-COV-2 Research
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