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Spark YG 570

Spark YG™ 570


Ideal for building multicolor microscopy panels, Spark YG™ 570 provides a bright and photostable signal. With an excitation max of 555 nm and an emission max of 570 nm, it can be imaged using the filter sets commonly used for Alexa Fluor® 555, Cy3, or TRITC in either widefield or confocal microscopy. While Spark YG™ 570 can be detected on a spectral cytometer, it is difficult to accurately unmix from PE due to a high degree of spectral similarity.


Spark YG 570 spectra

Normalized excitation and emission spectra of Spark YG™ 570 obtained from a spectrophotometer. To compare Spark YG™ 570 with other fluorophores, use our Fluorescence Spectra Analyzer tool.


Build Multicolor Microscopy Panels with Spark YG™ 570


Depending on the filter sets and light source of your microscope, Spark YG™ 570 can be used in combination with a variety of other fluorophores including DAPI, Alexa Fluor® 488, Alexa Fluor® 647, and Alexa Fluor® 750.



Immunohistochemistry on frozen mouse spleen tissue. Tissue on the left was stained with anti-CD3 Spark YG™ 570 (red), anti-B220 Alexa Fluor® 647 (green) and DAPI (blue). Tissue on the right was stained with anti-CD45 Spark YG™ 570 (red), anti-CD3 Alexa Fluor® 647 (green), and anti-B220 Alexa Fluor® 647 (blue).


Spark YG™ 570 Provides Similar Brightness to Alexa Fluor® 555


Spark YG 570 compared to Alexa Fluor 555

Rat (left and middle) or mouse (right) brain sections were stained with the indicated antibody conjugated to either Spark YG™ 570 or Alexa Fluor® 555. Across clones, tissues showed a similar brightness and staining pattern between the two antibodies.


Spark YG™ 570 Demonstrates Minimal Bleed-through into Nearby Channels


Spark YG 570 Bleedthrough

Human substantia nigra tissue was stained with anti-Tyrosine Hydrolase Spark YG™ 570 and imaged under a 40x objective. No bleed-through was observed in the 488 nm and 647 nm channels, even when using a five-fold longer exposure time.


Photostability of Spark YG™ 570


To test the photostability of Spark YG™ 570, we stained tissue sections with a purified antibody, followed by incubation with either an Alexa Fluor® 555 or Spark YG™ 570 conjugated secondary antibody. After staining, images were captured by exposing tissue sections to light at the specified time points.


Photostability Spark YG 570

FFPE human tonsil tissues were stained with purified anti-CD8a (Clone C8/144B) followed by incubation with Alexa Fluor® 555 or Spark YG™ 570 goat-anti-mouse IgG (Poly4053). Images were captured at the indicated time points and mean fluorescence intensity, expressed as Arbitrary Units (AU) was measured using ImageJ.


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