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PE anti-human CD79a

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Analyte Specific Reagent. Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.

V cB017
Other Names
Mb-1, Iga
Mouse IgG1, κ
Typical results from human peripheral blood lymphocytes were fixed with Fixation Buffer (Cat# 420801), permeabilized with Permeabilization Wash Buffer (Cat# 421002), and intracellularly stained either with HM47 PE used at 5 μL/test (filled histogram) or with an isotype control (open histogram).
  • HM47_PE_CD79a_ASR_052623
    Typical results from human peripheral blood lymphocytes were fixed with Fixation Buffer (Cat# 420801), permeabilized with Permeabilization Wash Buffer (Cat# 421002), and intracellularly stained either with HM47 PE used at 5 μL/test (filled histogram) or with an isotype control (open histogram).
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986506 500 µL 258€
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CD79a is a 47 kD type I integral membrane protein, also known as mb-1 or Iga. It is a member of the Ig superfamily and disulphide-associated with CD79b (B29). The interaction of CD79a/CD79b heterodimer with B cell suface Ig forms B cell antigen receptor complex. CD79a is expressed in B cells from early pre-B to plasma cell stage. It has been shown that CD79a is also weakly expressed in some precursors of T- and myeloid cells. CD79 mediates the transport of IgM to B cell surface and transduces signals initiated by BCR aggregation.

Product Details
Technical data sheet

Product Details

Phosphate-buffered solution, pH7.2, 0.09% sodium azide, 0.2% (w/v) BSA (origin USA), and a stabilizer.
The antibody was purified by affinity chromatography, and conjugated with PE under optimal conditions.
12 µg/mL
Storage & Handling
The antibody solution should be stored undiluted between 2°C and 8°C, and protected from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze.

Suggested for Intracellular Staining Flow Cytometry



  1. Use appropriate personal protective equipment and safety practices per universal precautions when working with this reagent. Refer to the reagent safety data sheet.
  2. This antibody contains sodium azide. Follow federal, state and local regulations to dispose of this reagent. Sodium azide build-up in metal wastepipes may lead to explosive conditions; if disposing of reagent down wastepipes, flush with water after disposal.
  3. All specimens, samples and any material coming in contact with them should be considered potentially infectious and should be disposed of with proper precautions and in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
  4. Do not use this reagent beyond the expiration date stated on the label.
  5. Do not use this reagent if it appears cloudy or if there is any change in the appearance of the reagent as these may be an indication of possible deterioration.
  6. Avoid prolonged exposure of the reagent or stained cells to light.

Antigen Details

Antigen References
  1. Zola Heddy, et al. Eds. 2007. Leukocyte and Stromal Cell Molecules:The CD markers. WILEY-LISS
  2. Astsaturov IA, et al. 1996. Leukemia. 10:769-73.
  3. Mason DY, et al. 1995. Blood. 86:1453-9.
  4. Hashimoto M, et al. 2002. J. Pathol. 197:341-7.
Go To Top Version: 1    Revision Date: 06.08.2023

Analyte Specific Reagent. Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.


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