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Western-Ready™ Protein Sample Loading Buffer (5X)

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Western-Ready™ Protein Sample Loading Buffer (5X) can be used for the preparation of samples for non-reducing and reducing SDS-PAGE.

Product Details
Technical data sheet

Product Details

300 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 10% Sodium dodecyl sulfate, 30% glycerol, 0.02% Bromophenol blue
Storage & Handling
Ambient room temperature

WB - Quality tested

Recommended Usage

Dilute Western-Ready™ Protein Sample Loading Buffer (5X) to a 1X concentration (1:4 by volume) using appropriate amount of sample and diluting solution (ie: water, lysis buffer, etc). For sample that are to be used for reducing PAGE, a reducing agent such as as β-ME, DTT, or TCEP must be added to buffer prior to mixing and heating sample.

Application Notes

Western-Ready™ Protein Sample Loading Buffer (5X) contains SDS, which may precipitate at cooler temperatures. If preceipitates are observed in the buffer, heat in 37°C water bath for 5 min to bring SDS back into solution.

Western-Ready™ Protein Sample Loading Buffer (5X) is compatible with Bis-Tris, Tris-Glycine, and Tris-Acetate gels.

Western-Ready™ Protein Sample Loading Buffer (5X) does not include any reducing agents. For reducing SDS-PAGE, we recommend adding a reducing agent such as ß-ME, DTT, TCEP to buffer prior to mixing with sample.

This buffer should not be used for native PAGE.

This buffer may be used to elute captured immune complexes during immunoprecipitation-based applications.

Antigen Details

Gene ID

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Go To Top Version: 1    Revision Date: 11.19.2019

For Research Use Only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic use.


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