Featured Promotions
Special offers, product promotions, or publishing opportunities - this is where you can learn about and share your experiences using BioLegend products.
Brilliant Violet™ Promotion
Learn how you can obtain a 40% discount on select BV510™, BV570™, BV605™, and BV650™ reagents to make more breakthroughs with the violet laser.
2025 Image Contest
At the intersection of art and science, we want to promote the stunning imagery you create using our products while driving scientific breakthroughs. Enter your best microscopy image(s) in our 2025 Image Contest for an opportunity to be showcased on our social media channels and featured in our wall calendar. The contest opens on January 2nd. Monthly winners will be selected through June 30th.
Check Out Our Travel Awards
We have a variety of travel awards to support aspiring researchers in attending life science conferences.
Publish and Prosper
Get up to $250 in products for each journal publication using BioLegend products, up to four articles within the last 12 months.
With BioLegend reagents comes legendary discovery. Share with us your publications using BioLegend reagents and get free products. The more you publish, the more you prosper.
For US and Canada Customers only. Not applicable for distributors or resellers. Order value after discounts must be $1000 or above. (Applicable tax is not included in the order value.)
No promo code required.
Note: If you are a customer outside of the specified countries in a promotion, please contact your local field representative or distributor for local promotions.
BioLegend understands the challenges facing new investigators, including balancing tight budgets. We are ready to fully equip your lab with the highest quality antibodies, ELISAs, recombinant proteins and other research reagents and get you on your way to legendary discovery.
For more info see our New Lab Startup Program page.
Share your experience using BioLegend products with other researchers on Biocompare.com, and receive a $20 Amazon gift card.
See full details
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