As their name implies, the IL-17 Receptors bind the IL-17 family of cytokines (IL-17A, A/F, B, C, D, E, and F). This family of receptors consists of 5 members (IL-17RA, RB, RC, RD, and RE). There is no particular structural similarity between the IL-17 receptors and any other family of receptors. The function of these receptors varies with their ligands. IL-17A and F are known for their inflammatory properties, while IL-17E (IL-25) promotes a Th2 response. |
IL-17A | IL-17B | IL-17C Set 1 | IL-17C Set 2 |
IL-17D | IL-17E | IL-17A/IL-17F/IL-17A/F | IL-17RD |
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