Direct-Blot™ Western Blotting Protocol
Reagent List
Protocol Steps
Sample Preparation:
- Place cells in a microcentrifuge tube and centrifuge to collect the cell pellet.
- Lyse the cell pellet with 100µl of lysis buffer on ice for 30 min (For 1 X 106 cells, lyse with 100µl of lysis buffer).
- Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm (16,000xg) for 10 minutes at 4°C.
- Transfer the supernatant to a new tube and discard the pellet. Remove 20µl of supernatant and mix with 20 µl of 2x sample buffer.
- Boil for 5 min. Cool at room temperature for 5 minutes. Microcentrifuge for 5 minutes.
- Load up to 40µl of sample to each well of a 1.5mm thick gel.
Note: Guidelines for choosing gel percentages are based on protein size to be detected: 4-5% gel, >200 kD; 7.5% gel, 120-200 kD; 8-10% gel, 40-120 kD; 13% gel, 15-40 kD; 15% gel, < 20 kD. - Set gel running conditions according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer the proteins to a nitrocellulose or PVDF membrane with variable power settings according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Membrane Blocking:
- Remove the blotted membrane from the transfer apparatus and immediately place in blocking buffer consisting of 5% nonfat dry milk/TBS-T.
Note: If phosphorylation-specific antibodies are used, the membrane blocking buffer and antibody dilution buffer should not contain milk. - Incubate the blot for 1 hour at room temperature, or overnight at 4°C with agitation.
Antibody Incubation:
- Dilute the Direct-Blot™ antibody to the recommended concentration/dilution in 5% nonfat dry milk/TBS-T (usually at a 1:1000-1:2000 dilution). Place the membrane in the Direct-Blot™ antibody solution and incubate for 2 hours at room temperature, or overnight at 4°C with agitation.
Note: If phosphorylation-specific antibodies are used, the membrane blocking buffer and antibody dilution buffer should not contain milk. - Wash three times for 5 minutes each with Wash Buffer (TBS containing 0.1% Tween-20)
Protein Detection:
- Incubate membrane (protein side up) with 10ml of ECL (enhanced chemiluminescence substrate) for 1-2 minutes. The final volume required is 0.125ml/cm2.
- Drain off the excess detection reagent, wrap up the blots, and gently smooth out any air bubbles.
- Place the wrapped blots, protein side up, in an X-ray film cassette and expose to x-ray film. Exposures can vary from 5 seconds to 60 minutes.
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