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AEC Chromogen Concentrate

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Regulatory Status
Other Names
Chromogen Detection Reagent
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925804 1 mL 60€
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The use of AEC in conjunction with peroxidase-based detection protocols results in the deposition of red chromogen deposits at reactions sites on tissue sections.

The 1 mL volume of 50x AEC chromogen provides enough material for 150 tests.

Product Details
Technical Data Sheet (pdf)

Product Details

Storage & Handling
Store this product between 2-8°C. AEC preparations should be stored in a manner which minimizes exposure to light.


Recommended Usage

Each lot of this product is quality tested by immunohistochemistry.

The AEC chromogen concentrate is to be diluted with the AEC substrate buffer (Cat. No. 925903). The optimal working dilution should be determined for each specific assay condition.

Application Notes

AEC reaction product is soluble in alcohol. Do not use organic solvents after AEC staining.

1. Dilute AEC concentrate 1:50 with Substrate Buffer (Cat. No. 925903)
2. Apply mixture to tissue section
3. Incubate the slides for 5-10 min. at room temperature
4. Rinse tissue sections with deionized water
5. Counterstain and mount using aqueous mounting media
6. AEC induces a red precipitate with almost no background

Antigen Details

Gene ID

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Go To Top Version: 0    Revision Date: 03.04.2016

For Research Use Only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic use.


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