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Immunology is the study of the immune system, including the vast array of cell types involved in protecting against infection and disease. Being able to identify different immune cell subsets and analyze cellular signaling molecules is critical to develop effective treatments for conditions such as autoimmunity, allergy, and cancer. BioLegend offers an extensive portfolio of products for immunology research, covering cell analysis, intracellular protein detection, and a broad range of functional assays.

Innate Immunity

Innate immunity is present from birth and represents the body’s first line of defense against potentially harmful pathogens.

Learn about innate immunity >

Adaptive Immunity

Adaptive immunity, also known as acquired immunity, involves developing an immunological memory to a foreign invader.

Learn about adaptive immunity >

Cell Types

The immune system includes a vast array of cell types with different roles in protecting against infection and disease. 

Learn about cell types >

Cell Analysis

Cell analysis involves identifying individual cells within a heterogeneous population via the detection of cell surface markers or other cell type-specific biomolecules.

Learn more about cell analysis >

Intracellular Proteins

Cells often communicate with one another by secreting soluble factors that are synthesized intracellularly before being released into the external milieu. 

Learn about intracellular proteins >

Functional Assays

Functional assays allow researchers to monitor key cellular processes such as apoptosis, proliferation, and metabolism, as well as internalization processes like phagocytosis.

Learn about functional assays >

Flow Cytometry Reagents

We offer an extensive portfolio of products for immunology research, covering cell analysis, intracellular protein detection, and a broad range of functional assays.


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