A Message from BioLegend’s CEO Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Dear Valued Customer,
In light of the dynamic circumstances around the Coronavirus (COVID-19), BioLegend would like to reassure you that we are constantly monitoring the situation with the goal of maintaining uninterrupted shipments of our products, while also protecting the health of our employees around the world.
Currently, the manufacturing and distribution of our products is business as usual. BioLegend manufactures all of our products, and sources a vast majority of our components, in the USA. Our three distribution centers in San Diego, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, are maintaining normal business operations. At this time, we have no significant concerns related to our supply chain, distribution, or on-time delivery to our customers.
While we are continuing to operate regularly, we recognize that it may not be business as usual for you. As your trusted partner, we are here to help you in mitigating potential disruptions in your research. For our customers in countries served by our distributors, we are closely coordinating with our partners to ensure their inventories and delivery operations are fully supported.
For additional information, please reach out to your local FAS or Distributor or call Customer Service at 1-877-Bio-Legend (1-877-246-5343) or email infoeurope@biolegend.com to assist in contingency planning. We have also posted an FAQ that provides additional details on our strategy to support you and your teams during this challenging time.
Gene Lay, CEO, BioLegend
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Are there any anticipated disruptions to BioLegend’s delivery of its products?
No. At this time, we are operating normally and do not expect disruptions in shipping our products. We are constantly monitoring the situation with the goal of continuing to work with our customers to deliver products while ensuring the safety of our employees.
Q2. Where are BioLegend’s products manufactured?
All BioLegend products are manufactured in the United States, and we do not anticipate disruption of manufacturing at this time.
Q3. Where does BioLegend obtain the components used to make BioLegend products?
A vast majority of the components used to make BioLegend products are sourced in the USA, and we do not anticipate supply issues at this time.
Q4. Who should I contact if I anticipate any disruption to my business such as the ability to receive shipments, ordering, etc.?
Please contact your local FAS or Distributor if you anticipate any issues. We will work with you to provide support and ensure the best customer solution possible.
Q5. Where are BioLegend’s distribution centers?
BioLegend has three warehouses: USA-San Diego, CA, Netherlands-Amsterdam, and United Kingdom-London. All distribution centers are conducting normal business operations. As an extra precaution, many of our distribution partners around the world will also hold stock at levels advised by BioLegend.
Q6. What is BioLegend’s contingency plan for fulfilling orders?
BioLegend has three warehouses: USA-San Diego, CA, Netherlands-Amsterdam, and United Kingdom-London. Each site will serve designated regions. In case of an emergency, Customer Service in San Diego, CA (CS@biolegend.com) or email infoeurope@biolegend.com will take all orders and coordinate shipping.
We continue to assess this dynamic situation worldwide, and we are prepared to entertain various staffing options, combined with cyclic decontamination, to minimize any product delivery disruptions. Throughout, we will always prioritize the safety of our employees. For BioLegend customers not directly served by the listed warehouses, many of our distribution partners around the world also hold stock at levels advised by BioLegend.
If you need additional assurances of product availability, please contact your local FAS or Distributor so we can work together to continue normal business operations.
Q7. Are there specific disruptions or new protocols in China?
Dakewe, our distributor in China, has resumed business as of late February. We will continue to provide products to customers in China through this partnership as long as operations in the USA remain undisrupted.
Q8. Are there specific disruptions or new protocols in Europe?
Both our United Kingdom and Netherlands facilities are operating as normal. In the event that either or both facilities become inoperable, our flagship operation in San Diego, CA, USA is fully capable of stepping in to support all European customer requirements.
Q9. Are there specific disruptions or new protocols in North America?
Fulfilling customer orders is our first priority in any situation. The San Diego warehouse is operating as normal, and we are prepared to focus on order fulfillment under any reduced resource scenarios. Please contact Customer Service (CS@biolegend.com) or your FAS for any concerns regarding your orders.
Q10. How do I notify BioLegend if we will not be able to receive pending orders?
For information or questions regarding orders, please reach out to your local FAS or Distributor or call Customer Service at 1-877-Bio-Legend (1-877-246-5343) or email infoeurope@biolegend.com to discuss potential delivery options.
Q11. Can I receive my inventory currently stocked at BioLegend sooner than scheduled?
Please contact your local FAS or Distributor for available stock and shipping options.
Q12. Should I stock up on my orders now in case of a future emergency?
Given the dynamic nature of the situation, we cannot advise whether you should stock up. Please contact your local BioLegend FAS to discuss best options.
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